segunda-feira, 3 de novembro de 2014

week 8

On this week we continued the subject about algorithms, the formal definitions of O and Ω, the analysis of sorting algorithms and proof of worse case scenarios of algorithms. On the end of the lecture, we had a problem solving section. On the tutorial, we actually proved the the cases we did the structure on the last week tutorial.

week 7

On this week we learned about proof by cases, where we divide the proof in different cases and proof each case separately, and we had a review about all kind of proofs, and about the Fermat's last theorem. Them, we started our studies about algorithms analysis and asymptotic notations. On the tutorial, we reviewed about proof structures, which is quite simple.

week 6

On this week, we learned more about other cases of proofs, like non-boolean functions, limits and when something is false. Non-boolean functions are functions that don't end in true or false answers, like x > 5, or floor of x, which is the largest integer number <= than x. Also, to disprove a statement we need to prove the negation of that statement. Proof about limits get a little more challenging then the others proofs, I believe that I will take more time to understand better. We didn't had tutorial this week.

segunda-feira, 13 de outubro de 2014

Week 5

In this week we had our term test, which I found not that difficult, but I might got some wrong answers for lack of attention, I will have more certain with the result. Then, we continued learning about some proofs, for example the use of the contrapositive to prove the statement, or leading to the contradiction. We also had proof by existence and about a sentence. In the tutorial, we had proof structure, something that I do not recall having in class, but is quite easy and not that hard, is only necessary to unwrap the sentence and not actually prove something.

Week 4

On this week, we finished learning the language of math, with bi-implications and mixed quantifiers, which is a subject that I found not so difficult. And them we started learn about proofs, the why, what and how. We saw that we can start from both ends, the beginning or the end, and sometimes one is easier then the other. It is necessary to seek the proof finding the chain, through the bubble search, or the tree search. In the tutorial we had a little bit of negations, proving equivalence, and guarantees, where I had a little bit of difficulty with the first one.

sábado, 27 de setembro de 2014

Week 3

On this week, we continued to see about the language of math. We learned about conjunctions and disjunctions, negations and truth table. We also saw some laws in the world of math, for example the Morgan's Law, commutative, associative, and others. I found the truth table a very important subject, that requires more focus than the habitual in my studies, also the manipulative laws should be another subject with more focus. In our tutorial, we revised some predicate problems, which I found very challenging. 

sexta-feira, 19 de setembro de 2014

Week 2

In our second week, we got to know about quantifiers, the difference about sentence and statement, predicates, implications and equivalence. I was a little bit confused about the difference between sentence and statement, and the everyday language transformed in implications, so I believe that I need to focus my studies on this two concepts. On this week tutorial, our first, we had the content of the first week covered, python programs with sets and Venns Diagrams. On the end of tutorial, we had a quizz about venns diagrams, and I believe that I left the tutorial with my doubts about this subject clarified.